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Pivnaya Apteka

PIVNAYA APTEKA is a cosy bar, which is ready to provide you a new look on the world of food and drinks. Countless range of alcohol which consists of a large amount of beer can surprise even the most loyal auditory of this beverage. We also have everything to please connoisseurs of other drinks. PIVNAYA APTEKA is a perfect choose for a late dinner where you can relax with a goblet of something flavoured or for a noisy meeting with big company. You should not be afraid of cold season with us, therefore emergency warm help is always nearby as never was before. Also, we love burgers! Come to try specialty burgers, our famous homemade lemonades, and watch the process of cooking in our cosy open kitchen. We really love burgers. That is why we didn't use frozen ingredients. We cook our burgers from 100% natural beef.